
Coaching for Individuals

In our hectic, busy and always-online lives it can often seem impossible to strike a good work-life balance, truly switch off, and have time for the things that matter to us personally. Too often it can feel as though ‘life’ and ‘work’ are very separate from each other or even mutually exclusive. Stress and burnout are all too common and it can be difficult to find enough time for other priorities in life or to even figure out what they might be.

 What if…

… you could work in an environment where you didn’t have to choose between ‘life’ and ‘work’?

… you could create a better ‘whole life balance’ and dedicate more time to the things that matter to you most?

… you could feel confident in your leadership position and inspire your team?

The coaching sessions for individuals are especially suited for first-time and lower-level managers who struggle with work-life balance, want to expand their leadership skills, or have a desire to build a better work environment for their team. Maybe you are frustrated because you care about honesty, integrity, and teamwork but are working in an environment where these qualities are not valued and profits are put before people. Maybe you are not happy with how staff is treated and see the need for balance and self-care but the company doesn’t seem to see the benefit in this. Or maybe you are happy with your work environment but are feeling out of your depth in your leadership position and feel like you need to ‘skill up’. If any of this sounds a little like you then coaching might help to take the first steps towards positive change for yourself and your team.

This is for you if

  • You understand that making lasting changes is a process that takes time and requires input from you

  • You are open-minded and will put in the effort even if things seem difficult

  • You are willing to explore how your experiences, beliefs and values influence you and the actions you take

  • You are determined to implement what we discuss and are prepared to do the necessary work

  • You are willing to look at things from a new perspective and try something new

This is not for you if

  • You expect a ‘quick fix’ or for things to change overnight without putting any effort in yourself

  • You are looking someone to give you all the answers and tell you what to do

  • You are reluctant to examine your beliefs and values and how they might hold you back

  • You are not willing to do the work, complete agreed tasks or show up on time for our sessions

  • You are not open to change and trying a new approach to your problems

Creating different results means thinking differently and doing things differently. That requires bravery, perseverance, creativity, open-mindedness and honesty, primarily with yourself. This can be an unfamiliar and difficult process and I will be right beside you as you start hiking on this new and unfamiliar path. I will work with you to explore your goals, values, and beliefs and help you to decide on the best way forward. We will use a variety of tools to pinpoint where and how to make changes, to set priorities and to monitor how things are going.

We will have weekly or fortnightly coaching sessions via Zoom and I will be there for you in between sessions via WhatsApp for additional questions, support and to celebrate your wins along the way.

Book a free, no-obligation Discovery Call to find out more about how coaching with me works and how we could work together.